MWest Final Presentation Guide
Purpose of 7-minute Pitch
To communicate the company story and create enough excitement among investors (judges) to give you your “ask” at the end of the presentation.
Presentation Guidelines
Be concise on your slides - 7 minutes will go quickly!
Limit text to minimal bullet points
Graphics speak louder than words
Keep it high level - Technical specifics can be brought up in Q&A
Visual layout and aesthetics matter!
Slides should be visually easy to follow and appealing
Fonts, colors, formatting, etc. should be consistent throughout
24-30pt font should be used as a minimum.
Slide Content Suggestions
Title Slide
Company Logo
Introduction of presenter(s)
Quick “clincher” statement or story to get the audience engaged (no more than 30 seconds)
Problem Slide:
Graphic/picture depicting the problem
Very succinct problem statement, no jargon. Make it relatable
Quantify why the problem needs to be solved (is it a need or luxury?)
Solution Slide:
A succinct description of your solution and why it solves the consumer's pain
List key points of solution (avoid technical detail)
List or demonstrate any prototypes or MVPs (minimum viable product) to illustrate the concept is feasible
Competitive Landscape and Value Proposition Slide:
Chart or positioning map of competition
Where is your unique value proposition respective to the competition?
Do you have unique IP, relationships, etc?
Target Audience Slide(s):
Analysis of who is buying your products (age, location, etc)
Size of the opportunity ($ figure, growth prospects for industry)
Your segment of the total opportunity and why
Revenue Model Slide:
How do you make money? (Direct to consumer, SaaS, Licensing, etc)
What is your cost and pricing strategy (why?)
Sales and Marketing Slide:
How do you acquire customers and build relationships?
What are your sales channels?
How will you deliver the goods?
Team Slide:
Executive team bullet points (why are you the right team to execute?)
Who are your advisors and why are they useful?
Traction/Validation Slide(s):
What is your consumer validation? (surveys, letters of intent, interviews, etc)
Do you have any pre-orders or sales?
Do you have prototypes?
Financials Slide:
What is your 1-3 year financial projections - sales volumes, top-line sales, COGS, Gross Margins (refrain from large spreadsheets, chart is better)
What are your product/service margins?
What is your break-even?
Go to Market Strategy Slide (s):
What activities and resources are needed to launch and scale?
What are the milestones to get paying customers?
How will you grow and meet your financial projections?
What is the timeline to meet your milestones?
Next Steps Slide:
What are you asking for? (money, connections, partners, engineering, etc)
What are the 2-3 critical next steps to begin your go-to-market strategy?
Thank you Slide:
Include impactful image of the solution
Contact information for the team
Thank judges and welcome any questions